Father's Name | |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Math |
Date of Appointment | 20/01/88 |
Date of Joining | 24/01/88 |
Address | |
Mobile number | |
Email id | |
Date of Birth | |
Hobby | |
Aadhar number | |
Pan Number | |
Account number | |
IFSC Code | |
Branch name | |
Qualification | P.G, Passing 14/11/87 57% |
Additional Qualification | |
Gender | Male |
Date of advertisement for this post by college and name of the newspaper |
B.U B/1931 27/06/91 |
Date of Retirement | ---- |
Caste | ---- |
Achieved qualification after joining(with year and date) |
---- |
Joining Status permanent/ Temporary |
---- |
Effective date for permanent confirmation by college selection committee/college service commission |
college service comission patna |
Qualification at the time of Appt. passing date and percentage of M.A/M.Sc & Ph.D /Net |
---- |
Date of first temporary affiliation for Department/ Faculty Caste |
Date of Ph.D Registration |
---- |
Seniority No - | 01 |